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Innocence | TRAILER

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Homecoming | TRAILER

Trailers • 1m 29s
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Innocence | TRAILER

A group of Black and Latin women activists in San José, California drive a grassroots movement to remove police from their children's schools. Will they succeed?

Filming for this documentary was done under the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the lead up to the pivotal 2020 elections...

Harmonic Spectrum | TRAILER

Sean uses the Piano to navigate life on the Autistic Spectrum. As he is drawn into new musical collaborations he must learn to balance his enthusiasm and compulsive energy with understanding and compromise, redefining his perspective in the process.

Director: Austen McCowan & Will Hewitt
17 min ...

Kanda Bode (Don't Get Whipped) | TRAILER

This documentary focuses on the Hamar Tribe, a semi nomadic and rural people who live along the Omo River in Southwestern Ethiopia. Preserving the traditions of their ancestors is essential to defining Hamar life. One of the most venerated of the Hamar’s ancient traditions involves the transition...