The first installment of Invisible Thread, an ongoing Early Light Media passion project series, Throw, presented by tells the story of an outsider from East Baltimore, an area challenged by gang violence and poverty. Often misunderstood, Coffin Nachtmahr found acceptance among a subculture of “throwers” and it turns out, he’s a virtuoso. He now helps others find a creative and social outlet by sharing the very toy that inspired him.
Director: Darren Durlach
Producers: Jody Weldon, Coffin Machtmahr, Alexander Glass
2016 | 10 min
Language: English
Up Next in Disability
Inner Me
While following Jemima, a little curious girl who wanders through dusty roads, crowded markets, slaughterhouses, furnaces and bat hunters we get acquainted with three women who describe the harsh realities of being born female and deaf in a society that discriminates against both women and people...
In painting and dance, Marie-Hélène, a respected figure on the Canadian contemporary art scene, finds an outlet for her creativity and her resilient spirit, after losing both her legs as a child. The arrival of her daughters sparks a new sense of freedom, pushing herself to let go self-censorship...
(in)Visible Sound (VR/360)
Grace has Tinnitus so the way she perceives sounds can be radically different from the average person. Yet, appearance wise, Grace’s disability is invisible. Through virtual reality, the viewer experiences the world through Grace’s eyes and ears as she narrates in voiceover. That world is a fanta...