The documentary revolves around five fascinating individuals who were once homeless on the streets of London, and now lead the Unseen city walking tours as guides along familiar streets. The guides explore unseen aspects of iconic places in London, sharing quirky historical facts combined with personal, 'unseen' stories of sleeping rough in these areas - opening up cultural spaces on two distinct levels.
Director: Upneet Kaur-Nagpal
2012 | 20 min
Language: English
Up Next in History
The Atomic Tree (VR/360)
The Atomic Tree leads you on an immersive journey through the memories held within the Yamaki pine, a 400-year-old Japanese White Pine bonsai tree that survived the Atomic blast at Hiroshima. From its birthplace in the sacred island of Miyajima and ancient cedar forests imbued with Kami spirits, ...
Siroun (VR/360)
Siroun is a virtual reality film that tells the story of a friendship between an Armenian boy and a Turkish boy, Artak and Temin, set against the backdrop of the Armenian Genocide. Filmed on the set of The Promise, the film gives viewers an opportunity to immerse themselves in a rural Ottoman vil...
LALA (VR/360)
In this 360° VR blend of animation and live-action video, Holocaust survivor Roman Kent shares his story of a dog in Nazi-occupied Poland who taught him a timeless lesson: that love is stronger than hate.
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Producers: Kori Street...