SDG 13: Climate Action

SDG 13: Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

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SDG 13: Climate Action
  • My Beautiful Nicaragua

    12-year-old Edelsin Linette Mendez illuminates the consequences of climate change on the coffee market, her community’s traditional source of livelihood and Nicaragua’s primary agricultural product.

    Directors: Edelsin Linette Mendez
    Producers: Joyce Chopra, Sammy Chadwick, Holly Carter
    2016 | 2...

  • Mini Moguls: Ryan's Recycling

    Meet Ryan, a nine-year-old who started his own recycling company to save our earth and seas. He started recycling at just three years old – now, he's helping tons of people all over the world get inspired to do the right thing.

    Director: Vanessa Quintero, In the Know
    Producers: Malka Media
    5 min...

  • Isle De Jean Charles

    This short film offers a portrait of the Isle de Jean Charles, a tiny island deep in the bayou’s of Southern Louisiana. The film explores the changes taking place on the island through the lives of two residents whose families are facing a future where rising seas, coastal erosion and storms are ...

  • Hope

    The indigenous people of Sungai Utik, a Dayak Iban community in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, have maintained a strong traditional connection to their forests despite continuous pressure from logging and palm oil companies intent on taking their land. Their forests remain intact and their tradition...

  • From Sea To Rising Sea (VR/360)

    From Sea To Rising Sea is an educational musical call to action about the healing properties of the ocean and how the ocean can assist us in our mission to get to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This VR experience (created for the Quest 2 and also mobile devices) follows a flock of synchronize...

  • Don't Frack Around in Florida

    Food & Water Watch is a lead organization on the steering committee of the statewide coalition, Floridians Against Fracking. Fracking and drilling associated with unconventional extraction of oil and natural gas poses a direct and immediate threat to the drinking water, air, food, health, wildlif...

  • Detroit Hives

    Detroit Hives follows Tim Paule and Nicole Lindsey, a young couple from East Detroit, who are working hard to bring diversity to the field of beekeeping and create opportunities for young Detroit natives to overcome adversity. It is estimated that Detroit has with well over 90,000 empty housing l...

  • Desmeem

    This film captures the three months of the DESMEEM project that took place in Lebanon in 2012. Designers and activists from Europe and the US traveled to Lebanon to work with local designers and activists to co-create user-centered solutions to social and environmental challenges. Each team took ...

  • Dayaks and Drones

    Even a well-managed, recognised forest faces constant challenges but innovative drone GPS technology, cooperative campaigning, local government support and eco-tourism are helping the Setulang people thrive. They have shown that community rights, the environment and development go hand in hand.


  • Climate Solver: Solar Turtle

    A SolarTurtle is a small or micro for-profit business operating close or inside a poor or rural community to provide the same services as a standard utility provider. Unlike standard utilities, SolarTurtles rely on renewable energy (RE) to generate the electricity sold to their customers. The Sol...

  • Break Free Newcastle

    On the day the 2016 Australian election was called more than 2,000 people shut down the world’s largest coal port for a day. Kayakers blocked the Newcastle harbour entrance while others blocked a critical rail crossing. These protests were part of a global movement of people standing up to say no...

  • Anthropocene: Dandora (VR/360)

    The Dandora Landfill is the largest of its kind in Kenya. It receives industrial, agricultural, commercial and medical waste, amounting to about 2,000 tonnes per day. It is estimated that more than a million people live in the vicinity of the landfill. Residents work informally, sorting scrap by ...

  • A Gentle Giant

    Known to grow to the size of a small dog and live to 40 years old, the giant Tasmanian freshwater lobster is the largest of its kind in the entire world, but its home is being destroyed by sediment runoff from logging. However, there is hope – Todd Walsh the lobster man has grown up with this cr...