Social Science
The first installment of Invisible Thread, an ongoing Early Light Media passion project series, Throw, presented by tells the story of an outsider from East Baltimore, an area challenged by gang violence and poverty. Often misunderstood, Coffin Nachtmahr found acceptance among a subculture of “throwers” and it turns out, he’s a virtuoso. He now helps others find a creative and social outlet by sharing the very toy that inspired him.
Director: Darren Durlach
Producers: Jody Weldon, Coffin Machtmahr, Alexander Glass
2016 | 10 min
Language: English
Up Next in Social Science
Through The Wall
A documentary short about a family divided by the US/Mexico border. Abril is living undocumented in the United States with her 2 year-old son Julian. Julian’s father was stopped by police for a minor traffic incident and was deported back to Mexico. In order to see each other, Uriel, Abril and Ju...
This Film is About
In Rio de Janeiro an engineer fights for a sustainable future with spirited ideas and an unconventional source of energy - made from sewage.
Director: Eduardo Hunter Moura
2012 | 4 min
Language: Portuguese
Subtitles: EnglishFILMMAKER Q&A: -
Their Day in Court
Life can be difficult for children living in the creative, but sometimes volatile, inner-city neighborhoods of Kingston, Jamaica. If an adolescent is a victim of a crime and has to go to court, the case could fall apart because the child is too frightened to testify. This is why development group...