Under 10 Minutes

Under 10 Minutes

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Under 10 Minutes
  • Marie's Dictionary

    This short documentary tells the story of Marie Wilcox, the last fluent speaker of the Wukchumni language and the dictionary she created in an effort to keep her language alive.

    Director: Emmanuel Vaughn-Lee
    2014 | 10 min

  • Mapping Riverline Communities

    The community of Lago do Mainá have lived with the forest and the river, nature for them is the most fundamental thing they have. However a military training base and increasing incursions by soldiers created tension between the community and the army. Through the use of social mapping the people...

  • Lutaw (VR/360)

    Step into Geramy’s world, a scrappy, budding inventor, who is trying to find a better way to commute to school. Based in the Philippines, this story highlights the students that swim between the small islands in order to travel to the nearest elementary or high schools in their remote areas.


  • LALA (VR/360)

    In this 360° VR blend of animation and live-action video, Holocaust survivor Roman Kent shares his story of a dog in Nazi-occupied Poland who taught him a timeless lesson: that love is stronger than hate.

    Produced by USC Shoah Foundation
    Creative Director: Stephen D. Smith
    Producers: Kori Street...

  • Lives On Hold In Lebanon (VR/360)

    Beirut's Shatila camp was built in 1949 for 3,000 Palestinian refugees, but now hosts up to 40,000 people, including many Syrians displaced by war. Appalling conditions and bleak prospects for the future leave families longing for their lost homes. Three generations of a Palestinian family descri...

  • Justice on Wheels

    A story about a bus that delivers legal remedies to women in rural Kyrgyzstan.

    Director: Shanshan Chen, (Reporter) Adela Suliman
    Producers: Shanshan Chen
    4 min | Kyrgyzstan
    Languages: Russian
    Subtitles: English


  • Isle De Jean Charles

    This short film offers a portrait of the Isle de Jean Charles, a tiny island deep in the bayou’s of Southern Louisiana. The film explores the changes taking place on the island through the lives of two residents whose families are facing a future where rising seas, coastal erosion and storms are ...

  • Is this Love? | Kya Yahi Pyar Hai? (VR/360) *Viewer Discretion Advised*

    [Trigger Warning] In March 2016 Kausalya and her husband Shankar were brutally attacked on a crowded street in southern India. Shankar, who came from a lower Dalit caste, died of his injuries. Kausalya survives and accuses her parents of orchestrating an honour killing. She fights for justice thr...

  • Is Different Crazy

    In Indonesia where 14 million people suffer from mental health disorders and shackling is still practised, this story is about how a man’s decade-long struggle with schizophrenia almost cost him his family and how he reclaimed his life with the help of Rumah Berdaya (meaning Home of Empowerment)....

  • Hope

    The indigenous people of Sungai Utik, a Dayak Iban community in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, have maintained a strong traditional connection to their forests despite continuous pressure from logging and palm oil companies intent on taking their land. Their forests remain intact and their tradition...

  • Heal Paradise

    Pristine nature, widespread school campuses, Institute for visually challenged, a health center, an artificial limb center, a neatly built food mess, spacious dorms, open playground and more - well this is how HEAL PARADISE looks like. No one would believe this to be an orphanage when they enter ...

  • Hany's Story

    Hany is a 20-year-old Syrian refugee from Homs who lives with his family in a small-tented settlement in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. Back in Syria, Hany was at university studying to be a communications engineer, but he was unable to complete his studies. In Lebanon, he doesn’t have the fees to st...

  • Grounded

    In painting and dance, Marie-Hélène, a respected figure on the Canadian contemporary art scene, finds an outlet for her creativity and her resilient spirit, after losing both her legs as a child. The arrival of her daughters sparks a new sense of freedom, pushing herself to let go self-censorship...

  • Girls Like Us

    In Tanzania, women are expected to stay home, cook, clean, and take care of the children while their husbands are away at work. Like a typical teenager, Winnie needed an outlet for her curious mind and in 2013, she joined Apps & Girls, an organization that teaches young girls how to code their ow...

  • Girls in Control: Tanzania

    On any given day millions of girls and women worldwide are menstruating. In Tanzania, 75% of rural schoolgirls never used commercial sanitary pads. This is a striking story of Vanencia, a 14-year-old student. As the leader of the school Health Club she aims to break the silence on menstruation- w...

  • From Sea To Rising Sea (VR/360)

    From Sea To Rising Sea is an educational musical call to action about the healing properties of the ocean and how the ocean can assist us in our mission to get to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This VR experience (created for the Quest 2 and also mobile devices) follows a flock of synchronize...

  • Freedom

    Brazil’s African slave descendants, the Quilombola, have fought a long and hard struggle for recognition. After the abolition of the slave trade they were left abandoned and ostracised, devoid of rights and outside of Brazilian mainstream society. But things are slowly changing amongst rural comm...

  • Fortune's Gift: Said Hussein

    Fortune's Gift is an interactive web documentary. It captures 14 positive stories of refugees and ordinary Danish citizens who seek to strengthen our common humanity. In the wake of the refugee crisis that has swept across Europe, and the negative sentiments expressed through our politics and med...

  • Fortune's Gift: Faiza Bajalan

    Fortune's Gift is an interactive web documentary. It captures 14 positive stories of refugees and ordinary Danish citizens who seek to strengthen our common humanity. In the wake of the refugee crisis that has swept across Europe, and the negative sentiments expressed through our politics and med...

  • Foreign Entanglements

    Foreign Entanglements is part of “We the Voters: 20 Films for the People” which is a nonpartisan digital slate of 20 short films designed to inform, inspire and activate voters nationwide with fresh perspectives on the subjects of democracy, elections and governance in the lead up to the 2016 ele...

  • Fledgling

    A little boy in a refugee camp finds and befriends a lost baby bird. He feeds it, protects it, and at night it sleeps close beside him. The adults observe him with tender sadness, oblivious to the Life that the child had given to a dirty old piece of cloth.

    Director: Juliette Rogasik
    Producer: J...

  • Fighting For Independence *Viewer Discretion Advised*

    [Trigger Warning] A roadside bomb in Iraq left Jerral Hancock paralyzed and without his left arm. But rather than letting his injuries define him, Jerral is fighting back. He’s working with a team of researchers from Johns Hopkins to test the most advanced prosthetic arm in the world that could h...

  • Empowering Waste: Banners to Bags

    Banners to Bags is a social and environmental entrepreneurship venture based in Kathmandu, Nepal. This is the story of their vision to create alternatives to plastic bags by designing durable and reusable bags from waste materials.

    Director: Rohit Shakya
    2012 | 7 min

Banner Bags are an...

  • Don't Frack Around in Florida

    Food & Water Watch is a lead organization on the steering committee of the statewide coalition, Floridians Against Fracking. Fracking and drilling associated with unconventional extraction of oil and natural gas poses a direct and immediate threat to the drinking water, air, food, health, wildlif...