The first installment of Invisible Thread, an ongoing Early Light Media passion project series, Throw, presented by tells the story of an outsider from East Baltimore, an area challenged by gang violence and poverty. Often misunderstood, Coffin Nachtmahr found acceptance among a subculture of “throwers” and it turns out, he’s a virtuoso. He now helps others find a creative and social outlet by sharing the very toy that inspired him.
Director: Darren Durlach
Producers: Jody Weldon, Coffin Machtmahr, Alexander Glass
2016 | 10 min
Language: English
Up Next in USA
The Walls
Students from Washington State University visit the prison at Coyote Ridge in order to participate in a debate about gun control. The rest of the participants are the debate club members from the prison – a group of inmates that have been transformed and inspired by their new contact with educati...
The Uprising
From black panthers to young philosophers, to Hasidic Jews, to journalists, to musicians, to CEOs, to the homeless, to kids with I-Pads, to ex- Wall Street members shouting ‘I don’t think it’s the people that are the problem, it’s the system and these bad incentives.” We were all the same and ins...
The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff is a fast paced, fact-filled look at the often hidden underside of today’s globalized systems of production and consumption. It calls on viewers to help build a more sustainable, healthy and fair system.
Director: Louis Fox
2013 | 21 min